social responsibilty

Social responsibility

The iFD GmbH takes it for granted to assume a high level of responsibility for the region and especially for children. All support is aimed at increasing the health and enjoyment of children and giving them access to digital learning. The promotion of disadvantaged and restricted children is also a matter of the heart.

In addition to supporting external projects, practiced employee and family orientation are a central component of our corporate philosophy. Through home office offers and other support services, we create the best conditions for a balanced work-life balance of our employees.

For the recent years and currently, the iFD GmbH has been supporting the following associations and institutions:

  • Deutsches Rotes Kreuz
  • Deutscher Kinderschutzbund e.V.
  • Deutsche Herzstiftung
  • Deutsche Krebshilfe
  • Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung
  • Unicef
  • Deutsche KinderKrebshilfe
  • Grundschule Harthau
  • Gymnasium Einsiedel
  • Kinderhospiz Bärenherz e.V.
  • Förderverein Nachwuchssport e.V. Flöha
  • Kindervereinigung Chemnitz e.V.
  • Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Freiwilligen Feuerweht Eitorf e.V.
  • FV Amtsberg e. V